Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Remembering Your Reusable Bags

If you have purchased reusable bags, or reuse ones you already had, accept an eco-pat on the back from me! But if you're anything like me, you have found yourself without them while on a major shopping trip. When this happens to me, I guiltily look around as I walk to my car, wondering if the equivalent of the scarlett letter in green is emblazoned on my back! I certainly reuse or recycle those unfortunate plastic bags that made it into my home, but I needed a better system. So now, whenever I bring in my groceries, they are always immediately put away, and put straight back into the car. That way, I always have a stash of at least 5 at all times. Whether I am at the grocery store, the farmer's market, Target or Goodwill, I bring my own bags. Works for me!


Lisa said...

I'm happy to see an eco-friendly post on WFMW!

I have one or two in my purse at all times. I'm working on finding one my husband will agree is not to girlie to leave in the car all the time haha. He wants one that matches the car, which is green but my only green one says "Gorgeously Green" so not real manly.

3HappyHippies said...

This might sound and look strange to some but here in Europe we are charged for bags which also encourages bringing your own reusable bags. It is common to have some sort of folding storage/carry device already in your trunk to carry groceries inside your home. That basically means when you forget a bag all you have to do is pop the groceries back in the buggy for transport to your car where you load them in for alternate transport at home. Does that make sense? Basically just skip the bag all together.

Mama said...

That's a great idea sjsfalter+! Here we have big club stores, like Sam's or Costco, and they just load the groceries back into the cart, no bags either. So if I do forget them, next time I'll say, no bags please! I keep a big empty container in my car to help clean out the kids stuff anyways, would be great for groceries!

Anonymous said...

I am always forgetting my bags whether they are at home or in the trunk. I think I need to write on my shopping list "Bring bags into store."