Monday, September 12, 2011

Mama Goes Green: FOR SALE

My duties as a farmers market manager and as a part-time consultant for other markets, has made it impossible to devote the energy necessary to make Mama Goes Green the successful business it could be. So I have decided to sell the website and business. As it is right now, you could basically just switch over the passwords and start making money immediately. The greatest part is all of the wonderful manufacturers and businesses I've poured the effort into making relationships with, will all be ready for you. No cold calling, or emailing, hoping they'll allow you to carry their products. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours writing descriptions and meta-tags, designing, tweeting, blogging, etc etc, and I just can't do it any more. The hardest work has been done...the launching. People recognize the name, and the business has the potential to really make some money. Email sara at mamagoesgreen dot com for more information. Thanks!

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